V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Mar 24, 2016

10 Easier Ways To Quit Sugar

10 Easier Ways to Quit Sugar, vickiarcher.com

Are there any easy ways to quit sugar?

Here is what Lily said,

Quitting sugar is not only one of the greatest things to do for your health, but also one of the hardest. I can give you over a 100 reasons why sugar ruins health, and still it can be irresistible.

Sugar is highly addictive and the effects can literally highjack the brain making us want more and more.

There are 10 “easier” ways to quit sugar and break the cycle.

10 Easier Ways to Quit Sugar, vickiarcher.com

10 Easier Ways To Quit Sugar

  • 1. Go cold-turkey

Sugar is addictive. The more we eat, the more we want. By going cold turkey for a month you can recalibrate the taste buds and cravings will subside.

2. Detox your home and desk

Out of site, out of mind really does help. Clear the kitchen cupboards and desk space of all temptations.

3. Tell your family, friends and co-workers

By confiding in friends and co-workers about your plans, they will be less likely to wave the office cake tray under your nose.

4. Read every food label

Hidden sugar is found in the strangest places!!

Simple rule – if the food product contains more than 5g per 100g, this will be in the red zone of the traffic light label – this should ring alarm bells.

5. Kill your cravings with a low sugar treat

If you really need a sweet fix try whizzing some berries in a blender with natural yoghurt and seeds. This low sugar snack will curb those cravings.

*Top tip – add a pinch of cinnamon to curb the cravings even further

6. Cook from scratch

This is the easiest way to control sugar intake – say goodbye to hidden sugar, additives, colourings, chemicals and flavourings.

7. Eat protein and healthy fats at each meal

Protein and healthy fats are great for balancing blood sugar levels. They keep you fuller for longer, prevent energy dips and reduce sugar cravings.

Eat lean meats, fish, nuts & seeds, tofu, avocado, cold-pressed oils, beans and pulses, natural yoghurt, eggs, nut and seed butters.

  • 8. Up your chromium intake

Chromium is a mineral needed for balancing blood sugar. Evidence suggests that supplementation with chromium picolinate may help reduce sugar cravings.

9. Flex your ‘I’m not eating sugar’ muscle daily

Each time you flex your ‘I’m not eating sugar’ muscle you are forming a new neural pathway in the brain – over time this will form into a healthy habit. Each time you resist sugar, don’t think of it as a burden – think of it as a strengthening exercise.

10. Indulge in life, not sugar

Don’t use sugar to change your mood. Instead use nourishing life pleasures – have a bath, get a massage, laugh with a friend, watch your favourite film –the list is endless.

images tim walker for w magazine

10 Easier Ways to Quit Sugar, Lily Soutter

Lily Soutter is a Nutritionist & Nutritional Therapist

learn more about lily @ lilysoutternutrition.com


Edit by: Vicki
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