There is nothing like a petit reward at the end of a hard day’s skiing… If nothing else I felt it was so well deserved… Day 2 and still smiling… Superb weather, glorious views all day of the Matterhorn, thighs that lasted the distance and knees that bent when they were meant too… All rather remarkable really… I don’t surprise myself that often yet today was one of those days… That doesn’t mean to say that my legs aren’t aching and that my calf muscles aren’t like knots in cotton… tied up so tightly they might never relax… and that it won’t go horribly wrong Day 3… my tentativeness about skiing will never ease… of that I am sure…
So on to the reward… I felt as if I deserved one after such an outstanding day… As I am in the land of cuckoo clocks, fondue and chocolate… it wasn’t a hard choice… chocolate and lots of chocolate… Big fat slabs of chocolate, dark and white, with roasted hazelnuts generously scattered throughout… bliss, heaven, delectable divineness… just so good… The Swiss, I have to admit, make pretty fine chocolate… and as loyal as I am to all things French… this chocolate taste sensation was up there with the best…
For me there is something about skiing and chocolate that go hand and hand. It could be the mountains… all that clean air makes you hungry and crave an energy boost… It might also be that those Swiss ‘scenic’ chocolate boxes have indelibly linked in my mind the idea that snow and mountains equals chocolate… It doesn’t matter… I am happy in this relationship… as long as we part company when the skiing is over…
Note to self… No Swiss chocolate to go… xv