V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Feb 26, 2018

Going Grey: How To Wear It

Going Grey: How To Style It on vickiarcher.com

How to wear the grey hair?

We have talked the long and the short decision through before and I think it’s simple. Grey hair can be any length you love and any style you want. It is more about personal preference and what suits than anything else. Once the grey is in it’s not entirely set and forget. Grey requires maintenance; not as much as highlights or an all over colour but regular looking after.

My grey is long and I wear it longer now because it is practical for me. It’s past my shoulders and where it will stop I am not sure but it’s enough to tie back, clip up or wear out. I think I have finally reached the point where I am committed to staying grey. It took a few years and even now I still feel somewhat shocked when I see myself in the mirror. That’s probably about more than the grey hair!

What I do want to find are ways to wear the longer length without looking matronly and without looking ridiculous. Hair accessories are more difficult and where once I loved a headband, I am not at all sure now. Too much embellishment in the hair can be a danger zone to tread. Hats and what the English call Fascinators are an entirely different story; those I love.

How to wear the grey?

I remember well the most elegant woman who would visit my fashion shop. ( Many, many years ago before family and life in Europe I had a clothing boutique in Sydney.) She was early 50’s when we first met and I can still see her beautiful hair in my mind. It was mid shoulder length, grey and always clipped back in an immaculate pony tail. I would say to myself when I am older I want to look exactly like her. She had a beautiful style about her, never fussy or complicated but always superbly groomed. Reflecting, I suppose she adopted a French way of thinking when it came to fashion and beauty. Her choices were spare but always of the best quality and she knew exactly what worked for her. In the years I knew her she never changed her hair style.

My routine style is a smooth finish and blunt cut. Leaving it loose is an easy option but I do tire of it sometimes. Lately I have been experimenting with a less than straight look but I’m not sure. I don’t mean curls exactly, more like waves from the chin line down. It’s ok, a little softer and maybe more fashionable, but sometimes it seems to me I look like I haven’t done my hair at all.

I wear a twisted ponytail on top much of the time, so I can see what I am doing, but I wouldn’t say that’s for public consumption. I want to find a style for longer grey hair that works and looks groomed without looking like I’m ageing ahead of my time. My mother always wore a “French Roll” and I loved that but she wasn’t grey. A bun at the nape of my neck doesn’t suit a round face or ageing neckline. I’ve been pinning some up at the sides and leaving the length at the back but my daughter said I look like Suzie Menkes. Was that a compliment or not?

A plait perhaps? I always wore a plait back in the old days but I’m not sure now and although fancy braids are all the fashion in hair right now, I think they are for my girls.

What’s your favourite style for longer grey locks? Do you wear it up or let it down? Are layers the answer? Should we find one style that suits and stay put forever? Let’s talk grey. xv

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50 shades of grey and more  ||  the art of ageing ||  how long is too long

images, pia gronning and ivy & liv, the beauty of time campaign

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Beauty , Shopping Stories