It’s the first Tuesday of the month.
A group of bloggers choose a topic and interpret the subject in their own way…
Today, the idea is to write about 5 things that make you crazy.
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I thought of this as an easy write.
We all have moments of craziness and of being driven crazy.
There are idiosyncrasies that we all loath and there are those we find endearing.
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When it came time to list my 5… somehow the little things seemed petty and the big… well, they are far too big for me to deconstruct.
You know the ones… the unhappy parts of life, of our world… the external forces that are beyond our control.
Political, religious, economic and geophysical… these are not my strong points… it is not the reason we are here together.
I’ll leave them to the experts.
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Then there are the petite crazies.
The chipped nail polish annoyance, the frizzy hair drama… the discomfort of over indulgence… mini crazies that multiply but are meaningless.
Or the mid way annoyances… too much talk… excess gossip… lies and whispers… unattractive at every level.
As I said, minor grievances that don’t add up to much when you look at the big picture.
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I try to look at the world in a positive way.
I never focus on the negative, on irritations… however big or small.
I try and change them… when and if I can.
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So rather… than what makes us crazy mad…
What makes us crazy happy?
Without thinking… I will say…
Love, Laughter, Friendship, France, Flowers… and Fashion… *wink*
Ok 6…
Tell me your 5 “crazy happies”…
Make it snappy… whatever comes to mind in a heartbeat, xv.
To read all thoughts on “Crazy” from a very talented group… click here