How CAN we put that spring back in our step?
We are taught that having confidence is vital if we want to succeed in life or give off the impression that we are. Many of us lack confidence and spend time trying to uncover how to ‘get it’.
For some of us, confidence comes naturally. It’s intuitive the second we wake up and nothing can dampen our spirits. For others, it’s something we continually strive for; something we long to have that can seem so out of reach.
Self-confidence is something to aspire to, regardless of whether we have heaps of it or have to work towards it.
Although there is not one simple step to becoming confident overnight, there are 3 simple ways to boost confidence that can have a hugely positive effect on our wellbeing and mental health.
Change on the outside can have a profound effect on the inside.
- Adding a bold red lip can make an outfit we are not feeling so confident about a thousand times better.
- Getting a haircut can be revitalising. Whether that means going for the chop or having a simple trim, a fresh haircut can give a whole new lease of life. A minor adjustment may be all we need to feel lighter.
- Wear something that makes us feel confident. Clothing that doesn’t, isn’t worth keeping. Having a wardrobe clear out is extremely helpful to ensure that all the clothes we own, we love, making our mornings that little bit easier.
As well as improving our physical health, exercising can boost self-esteem, elevate our mood and improve our sleep.
- By adding a yoga class to our weekly schedule, we are already on our way to improving confidence. Yoga frees the mind and has been proven to lower stress levels as well as making us feel better about us.
- Running or walking for half an hour after a busy day at work can relax and make us feel more in tune. This time is for us.
- Simple stretches in the morning after waking are guaranteed to start the day well. Not only do stretches energise us and make that bed to breakfast journey that bit easier, they encourage blood flow and stop muscles from aching.
Challenge Yourself & Make Changes
Confidence can be hard to obtain when we are stuck in routines. Routines can be comforting for some, but they can also mean we are not challenging ourselves. Simple changes can make all the difference to our self-esteem.
- Challenge ourselves every week to do something we otherwise wouldn’t such as walking instead of getting public transport or trying new recipes or restaurants. What about a language app? Try Italian or French on Duo. It doesn’t matter how big or small the changes, the important part is leaving our comfort zone and embracing the new. Give one compliment a day to a stranger; that is a challenge of the best kind.
- Newly found confidence is about finding what works best for us. It’s not the kind of steps that matter it is the taking of them.
Monday morning checklist:
Yoga with extreme difficulty done, hair trimmed and styles and compliment given; about to wear the favourite jeans and add the lipstick.
Boost The Confidence
these will
eileen fisher a-line dress this one will look good every day in every way || art stick harlow red || silver sequin sweatshirt cute with the jeans
images, francesco nazardo, iciar carrasco, sebastian kim