V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Feb 20, 2020

Balance: Mindset Is Everything


My focus is on balance this year.
We talked earlier about our guiding ‘one-liners’ to keep us on track – and mine is balance. Balance is a broad concept and while I do want to master tree pose, there is much more to be said and done on the matter. Physically I’m not strong when it comes to balancing myself – I never have been – and it reflects in the management of my life. Age has meant my balancing skills are better but not brilliant. The “all or nothing” rule is one I can apply and while this is a wonderful attitude in many aspects, it is not in others.

Finding balance, whether on one leg or in life, begins with a mindset. A positive and strong mindset is everything. We know we must, it’s obvious, but how do we foster, create and nurture a strong mind? Mindset is a dealbreaker and the channel through which our energy flows. A positive mindset for me makes me feel more energetic, proactive and successful in what I attempt. The opposite finds me lagging behind, unenthused and far less productive.

A Mindset To Aspire To

We all need encouragement and it would be foolish to think it is easier for some than others. It doesn’t matter where we come from or what we have, we all suffer from a lack of motivation sometimes. Some can reverse the “down” very quickly; while others can take time to rid themselves of a funk.

Exercise: The first place I start and for me the hardest. Moving works and makes me feel so much more EVERYTHING. The answer is to find the discipline you love and keep looking until you do. Movement should not be a chore and the more it appeals, the more likely it is to be a mainstay in your routine. If dancing is your oxygen then never stop.

Realistic Challenges: Let’s be kind to us and make sure we don’t set targets to set us up for failure.

Treat Us: Mindset is something to be rewarded and why not take a prize regularly for a fabulous performance. We deserve it.

Let Others Encourage Us: Listen to podcasts, read books and watch programs that uplift and make us feel good.

Learn: The more we understand and know the easier it is to live our lives.

Lists: Practical but effective. When I feel overwhelmed and not convinced I will get there, I write my to-do down and check it off slowly and steadily. The completion of my jobs makes me feel so much more constructive.

Take Breaks: We need to take breaks from time to time and re-set. In the short term and the long term. This doesn’t mean not finishing or casting whatever it was aside; it simply means taking a break to refresh the mind and re-energise. It may be as simple as a 5-minute break every 30 when working on the computer or it might be a six months sabbatical when the mind needs a total refresh. When I have a full mind, I take 30 minutes and watch an episode of my latest series or I take a bath. Works every time.

Our balancing acts are everything; mindset is where I am starting. xv

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images, andreas ortner, elle czech

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Lifestyle , Shopping Stories