Valentine’s Day.
One side of me revels in the thought of the romance and celebrating with the one I love and the other side doesn’t feel that one day alone is the way to tackle a romance.
Love is a tricky game and Valentines Day sets the inexperienced punter up for a big fall. Why?
Because we girls have high expectations and ingrained notions when it comes to our lovers. How many years have you waited for Valentines Day hoping that your Mr Right will come through the door with that multitudinous bunch of roses, reciting delicate poetry and making you weak at the knees? I have and let me be truthful, it hasn’t happened!
This is not to say that my darling is unromantic or lacking in thought.
He is legendary when it comes to spoiling me and making me feel treasured and wanted. He is a seriously sensational man but usually not on February 14th.
He would tell you that to shower me with romantic gestures on Valentines Day would be too predictable and not deserving of our relationship. Is this a rat cunning excuse? Maybe, but I don’t think so and in many ways, I agree with him.
Fostering a successful partnership takes many thoughtful gestures, a million kindnesses a great deal of forgiveness and an endless supply of romantic moments. One day alone is not enough to prove, ‘I love you’.
This is not to say that there is anything wrong with a day devoted to love. Any day that marks romance is a day worth savouring.
If Valentines Day is to be something special then let’s take it into our own hands. Why shouldn’t I shock mine with flowers, with poetry, with love notes, with gifts and with attention? I don’t have to wait for him to take the lead; I can make the first move. He mightn’t shower me with red roses next Tuesday but there is nothing stopping me.
Dazzle them with romance. Everyone needs spoiling. xv