V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Apr 15, 2019

Body Confidential: Staying Positive


Does anybody ever feel perfectly happy with their body?

If they do I admire them.

I know we should be happy with what we have and not sweat the small stuff – we all want to think bigger and rise above – but truthfully there are days when a slimmer girth and a set of giraffe legs would come in handy.

There are days, despite the regime of health and exercise when our body confidence is reduced. There may be a very valid reason or our “low” can simply be imaginary; it doesn’t matter, it is how we feel that counts. Circumstances and mood drive how we feel about our bodies and while we mightn’t like them, they are in our control.

And control is everything, especially when we are talking about body confidence.

The same philosophy can be applied to our skincare routines; if we feel our skin is glowing, our serums are working and we look , as we want, then all is right with the world. Sometimes a change in product is all that is needed for that boost in confidence. The same applies to our body confidence; small changes can reap great rewards.

How do we feel positive when all we see is negative?

Having 100% confidence in my body has never been my strong suit, far from it. I was one of those chubby children who turned out slim but probably always saw myself differently. Teenage years are all about “how we look” and “why don’t we look like xxx” – I played that game well into my ’20’s. It is not a great game as women generally don’t win; high expectations and unrealistic realities. I am sure it is extremely difficult for young women today with greater exposure to social media and an in-depth focus on “beautiful” celebrities.

As an all-grown-up woman I now appreciate how much time was wasted on the impossible and if my younger self had been smarter, she would have figured this out. These days there are still moments when the body confidence flees but I am accepting. It’s not that I don’t care how I look, of course, I do but I care about other things more. If I do my best and make the effort then I try and turn a blind eye to what I don’t like or at the very least manipulate my fashion choices to give the impression I want.

Tips and Tricks To Stay Body Positive


Nobody has the perfect body and nobody feels like that, even the most gorgeous glamazons on the planet. Everyone shares insecurities so we need to put them where they belong and not feel alone. A bad day is only the day before a good one.

Be Realistic

Don’t beat yourself up for the impossible and desire the unachievable. We are all different and we need to embrace this wholeheartedly. The woman you envy is probably flat out wishing she was in your shoes or somebody like you.

Be Kind

We are allowed a day or two to wallow now and then and feeling negative about our bodies doesn’t make us bad, it makes us human. On the less than bright days spoil yourself in a way to uplift your mood.

Make Changes

Examining and analysing what we don’t like about our bodies is the first step in change and working towards them.

Learn What Works

We have all experienced these days, what makes us snap out of them? I need to move, get outside or make plans. I am one of those who likes to be busy and inactivity has never been my friend. When I don’t want to exercise or take a class I make myself. It’s a guaranteed turnaround.

Favourite Fall Back

Our wardrobes need to have a “safe place”, an outfit or two for confidence and comfort with pieces that don’t fail. The blazer that covers a multitude, the 3/4 coat that works with everything, the blouse that brightens the most tired eyes, or the dress that makes our midriff disappear. These are the most important pieces in our closets and I don’t ever underestimate their power. Like a travel uniform, they work hard.

I know I can never be 100% happy with “what I got” but I can let the confidence do a lot of the work. xv

illustration, miyuki ohashi 

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Fashion , Shopping Stories