Are you a committed shopper… or do you flirt with fashion? Act like you are interested… but ultimately leave it standing alone… languishing on the racks…
Do you set out with good intentions only to come home empty handed… or can you conquer the confusion and find exactly what you want? For me… the answer is simple… I am dedicated… and always have been that way. I know exactly what I like, what I need and where to find it… I am lucky, it’s always been easy for me. I have a sort of inbuilt editor that steers me in the direction I want and fights any indecisions that I may have. But I do understand that it is not like that for everyone…
Sitting on the fence is the enemy of the shopper… you have to be either in or out. It either works or it doesn’t… Not being able to decide almost always means defeat… and no car crammed with shopping bags like the cute little one above…
When it comes to shopping… I prefer a planned attack… I don’t do well with forced shopping… You know the one… two hours to find a black tie dress for a cousin’s wedding… or thirty minutes to squeeze into a new suit for that important job interview. That is when I make mistakes… If I buy with doubts… the doubts are inevitably victorious…
I only shop when I can buy… a sort of don’t-need-it-don’t-do-it mentality… I am not a window shopper… even when it comes to the online sites… I prefer to shop with purpose or not at all… I use the websites that I know and trust… those with good buyers, a broad selection and an easy returns policy… for when I do get it wrong. Good shopping for me is when I don’t have to return a piece or exchange it… the going over the same ground twice is always dull.
Online shopping makes everything so accessible… it doesn’t matter where you live or what time it is… It takes the heat out of our whims… saving to the ‘basket’ can quench that impulse but also allow time for reflection… It does require dedication and it can be overwhelming… if we don’t take control… a little bit like shopping with friends… Don’t you find there are some friends who are fantastic to shop with? They give honest opinions, encouragement and deterrent when necessary… and then there are others that leave you covered in confusion. You end up with what they like, not what you want… or nothing at all…
To be a successful shopper in the real world or our cyber one is a skill… it means spending time to save time. It requires that not only do you know yourself but also that you know what is where.
It’s a commitment… xv