V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Nov 20, 2019

Does Vanity Change with Age?

Help! What a question?

I have been asked, so I will answer.

Vanity  – what is this to start with?

There is a difference between being vain and looking after our vanity. Overly vain is unattractive, self-seeking and not what I am talking about. Let’s dismiss that immediately and speak of the “good” vanity – the vanity that supports self-confidence and growth.

For me, vanity has changed significantly over the years. My vanity is more internal and less to do with others’ opinions of me. I care about myself and my personal growth – whether it be beauty, fashion, emotional, physical or intellectual for different reasons. The weighted opinions of others mean so much less to me but not of my family and friends; it would be unnatural not to care and value their opinions.

I understand where the value lies.

What is worth being vain about? Beauty is one of those not worth being overly vain about. I have accepted aging comes with changes to physical beauty, I have not accepted I cannot be “better” as I age but I know I will never be “younger”. Vanity when it comes to beauty is less about the external and more about the internal. Making most of my attributes, using the most efficient products and spending time on “looks” is important but the lesser part of my beauty vanity. Confidence, grace, a generous heart and happiness are attributes I would much rather be vain about.

Value comes with mental and physical strength.

We must remain “vain’ when it comes to our wellbeing. Physical strength and flexibility is the greatest asset as we navigate our future. Mental acuteness requires vanity and is one worthy of a heavy focus. Resisting change because it is unfamiliar is a dangerous zone to sit in. Let’s be vain about abilities, adventures and re-invention.

Does vanity change with age?

Yes, it does. Vanity becomes more purposeful and more directed.

Vanity is a tool to be used wisely and one that only we can direct; that’s what is worth remembering. xv

p.s vanity in all things that matter is not one to be taken for granted we need a reminder 

i have saved my thoughts to the book section on my phone and whenever i have a few moments spare, i use it as a prompt

I’m Vain Enough For These

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this feature contains affiliate links

Edit by: Vicki
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