Are you hooked on Downton Abbey? We are big fans in our house and during the season, it became a Sunday night ritual… that could not be missed.
Christmas night… we will be watching the two hour ‘special’… and I can’t wait… Promise not to spoil it for those who won’t see it until next year
I think my favourite is Dame Maggie Smith… she is just faultless.
Downton Abbey is written by Julian Fellowes and so for the holidays I have loaded up my Kindle with his satires on English life.
You might say it is a little Christmas present to myself… I don’t wish to be challenged … rather entertained and amused…
I think Mr Fellowes will do the job perfectly
Snobs… Paper Version… here Kindle… here Past Imperfect… Paper Version… here Kindle… here
The Downton Abbey Christmas Special 2012… here
I can’t wait to cosy up in front of the fire and read, read, read… that is my idea of a holiday… Not long now… xv
To see more of my favourite libraries like the one above, click… HERE