Lately I have been obsessing over mirrors… the decorative kind… not the wardrobe kind… Thinking about how they can make such a difference to a room… liven it, brighten it, glamourise it… I suppose they are meant to be practical additions… but I’m not one to be overly sensible when it comes to interiors so I tend to keep my eye out for the pretty or the unusual
A few weeks ago, at the flea markets, I found a mirror or two for our little house, Le Petit Bijou, in Saint Rémy… they aren’t quite as fabulous as this beauty pictured above… but they will create the warmth and ambiance that I am looking for… I seem to like them a little shabby chic… the glass faded and the frames worn… I’m also partial to a more modern mirror over an old piece of furniture… The French get that modern/vintage/eclectic look down so easily… I am starting to see that it is an acquired skill for an expert eye.
I have always furnished and created our home as we go… along the way… letting our life and our adventures style the rooms… the feel and the look evolving over time… Setting up from scratch is a new experience for me… a touch more difficult… I have to imagine how everything will work rather than add and subtract in situ… I have a new appreciation for designers and the way they can assemble a beautiful room in their minds… how they can conceive of ideas both large and small scale and bring them to life.
So for now… even though I should be figuring out the kitchen cupboards and the bed heads and maybe even the wardrobe configurations… I’m dreaming mirrors… xv
I have just recently started browsing HORCHOW… Do you know this site?
There are some very pretty mirrors ( and other things) here