V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Oct 31, 2012

Feeling Blue

I haven’t been to the flea markets lately… I am missing them… missing the colour, missing the life… missing the browse

What caught my attention… was a touch of blue

Blue was everywhere… all around, among and amidst

Blue seemed to find my eye

Eye spy with my little eye…

Something beginning with BLUE… xv


The French Blue… HERE

 Beautiful Blue Hearts… HERE

Delicious Blue Sloppy Jo Cashmere… HERE

Fabulous Midnight Blue Sequins… HERE

Make Life Comfortable Blue Nike Vintage Elites… HERE

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Provence