How is your productivity right about now?
What can I do?
I must find the silver lining or life would be unbearable. Mine is productivity.
I am being as productive as I can while being kind to myself and not adding undue pressure. I’m creating and for me, that means writing. No 2 e-book is well underway and I hope an uplifting and affirmative read. Writing and re-writing my thoughts has helped me maintain hope and positivity. I have new-found energy and determination to make much happen in my future. Working on this project has not only re-focused my path for a successful future but also helped my productivity in other areas. I’m reading more and listening to my audios, walking for miles and practising yoga. Cooking is more approachable, inventive and less nerve-wracking; sitting still is a joy and not a penance.
Doing more is making me rush less.
This makes little sense but it’s true; my focal point is narrower but my reach feels further. Creativity is like that; the more we do, the more we can do. Ideas breed ideas and one grows into another. One day when life changes back and access to what we so happily accepted as the “norm” resumes, I will turn these e-books into real collectables. For now, I’m content to get the words down and share them as I can. This new one for the collection excites me. I have asked my niece to illustrate the chapters – working with her and Amy, my graphic designer, keeps us moving and creating. Encouraging and motivating our colleagues, friends and family is so vital and doing so only makes us more productive.
Fashion, beauty and the rest will return but for now, my head is in a cloud of words. Where is yours? xv