Where are the comfortable, wear-at-home, wear-everyday style slippers? Was there really a life with all this fancy footwear? Who was that woman clomping along in these for hours? She seems to have disappeared this year in a tide of trainers, sweats and comfortable excuses. Manolo, once a name to roll from my fashion-obsessed thoughts, has been relegated to my distant past. Has lockdown been a convenient excuse to dish the heels and forget my former life?
Will I rise again in 10cm heels?
Probably not, which shocks me.
I never like to give up on what I love. Shoes, with all sorts of glittering embellishments and fancy features, are some of my really deep and enduring true loves. Shallow? A bit. Fun? Always.
I will have to see whether life post Covid brings me back to these beauties or whether I will remain a happy trooper in my lockdown loafers. Speaking of loafers, I did find the best slippers. And as much as I love a pump, I do rejoice in a velvet slipper. Venetian style or classic. Take your pick – to me they are one of the best all-round shoes we can wear. There is nothing slouchy about a pretty pair of velvets.
Even a slipper can get my shoe fever rising. My Venetians are doing happy dances. xv
The Slippers: Here They Are
the starling loafer || the heron loafer (order half size up)
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