What do you think about the beauty fad for the ‘trout pout’? I know this is a very random and unexpected question to read first thing so let me back track a bit.
Yesterday as I was out and about in London… I saw someone… someone I thought I knew, but couldn’t quite place… you know that feeling? This woman was mesmerising… I couldn’t stop staring at her… rude I know… I was discreet… well not super discreet… but I couldn’t help it… She had the most major upper lip I have seen for some time. It was captivating… if I were crueller I could describe this lip as ‘self-mutilation’ but I believe we all have the right to like what we like and do what we do, so I can only presume she was happy with this very unnatural protuberance from her very pretty face. The thing was… This woman was gorgeous… slim, tall and stylishly dressed… her face was classic… high cheekbones… big eyes… she had it all going for her… and then… the mouth… It was so disproportionate to the rest of her face that instead of ‘bee stung’ she looked ‘b’ ridiculous. I sound critical… I am not… I am curious. What makes a beautiful woman feel the need to take cosmetic enhancement to such a ludicrous level? I was not the only one looking… this was not a modicum of filler or a little enhancement around the edges to defy a narrowing lip line… This was not ‘Angelina’ sexy, it was downright comical… As the seconds ticked by, the penny did drop… I did know her… well not know her, but know of her… she had been a neighbour in London. We never spoke or had any kind of relationship, yet when I saw her, I always thought how elegant and gorgeous she was. Her dress sense was impeccable and her grooming always immaculate… one of those women that always makes you feel you should go back inside and make more effort… put the heels on, fluff up the hair… Once I figured out the who… my curiosity turned to sadness… I had not even recognised someone I had previously admired… Why had she felt the need to take such extreme measures? As an onlooker, I thought she had it all… and more.
I am not judging her… I am confused. Has this woman so little self confidence that she needs to distort her looks in order to feel beautiful? Or is she simply following a fashion trend… Is a new lip like a new pair of shoes? Wear it while it works and change it every season. I don’t know the answers but I do know that her new ‘look’ wasn’t flattering… the lip marred her beauty not the opposite. We all want to be admired… to be noticed… but for the right reasons.
My thoughts on cosmetic enhancements… on plastic surgery are simple… moderation. Be moderate, tailor make procedures to suit yourself. Do whatever makes you feel more self-confident, happier with yourself but move slowly and carefully… We all want to look younger, fresher, tighter… women are never happy with their looks… that’s a given… but it is important to hasten slowly, to never loose ourselves in the process. French women seem to understand that beauty is about individuality… beauty is not formulaic… Beauty is not a fad in France… it is a lifestyle.
What do you think? Have we gone too far… have we tipped the beauty scales in the wrong direction? xv
Parisian Chic: A style Guide by Ines de la Fressange… she seems to get it right?
If you want the feel of the ‘bee stung’ lip… try this Lip Venom… no pain and everything to gain.