Our discussions yesterday lead me to think about vitamins and supplements in the quest for a more youthful skin.
Knowing what to eat to improve our skin and understanding what vitamins and supplements to add to our daily diets is a landmine of negotiation.
Frankly I find it confusing.
I read an article about the benefits of one vitamin or mineral, I buy them and after a time I forget to take them… or even more problematic, I read something else that supercedes the routine I am on.
Perhaps the easy solution is one multi vitamin per day… to cover our bases and leave it be.
I don’t know of anything that is ever that simple.
I like to keep up with current developments, read about new trends… after all nothing in life is stagnant and skincare is no exception.
Our diets are not as rich as they once were so it makes sense that we need to make adjustments and additions.
I have been reading a great deal about CoQ10… some hail it as a wonder for the skin, a must take.
Have you tried this one?
Or what about Glutathione, the antioxidant wonder?
Glutathione is one of the strongest antioxidants produced by the body and it reduces free radicals and helps eliminate heavy metals from the bloodstream.
Apparently low glutathione levels have been linked with the ageing process.
As we age, production reduces as we are exposed to toxins and stress.
I thought I would like to throw open the discussion, to ask you about your supplement routines.
I am not an expert in this area and I am permanently in a quandry over this subject yet at the same time I find it fascinating.
What works, what doesn’t? Have you the answers?
I want to try these but would love your opinion first.
Let’s chat… xv
remember to check with your doctor before starting any new supplements… always a good idea