V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Sep 04, 2018

The Art of Movement: On The Road Again

When I am on the road, it all falls apart.

My movement,  exercise routine.

Yes, I promise myself I will find a local yoga class, swim laps somewhere and pound the pavements. I never do. The mind is willing but the body; well the body has other ideas.

Being consistent with exercise is not my strong point, it never has been and I have to work at the regularity and discipline constantly. When I am home it is easier and I know this is an excuse but it is what it is. I need to find an answer because I travel frequently.

Somewhere in the dark reaches, I have allowed myself to “stop” as soon as I pass through an airport terminal. It is as if all sense of routine evaporates and I am in free fall. I have a double persona – the homebody and the traveller. The traveller couldn’t give a thought for the exercise routines, turns her nose up, orders room service and binges on the latest Netflix series when she should be down in the gym. You get the picture.

It is really not ok and I am determined to shake this habit of mine.

So how to do it?


The age of movement is upon me and there can be no excuses.

The mindset must be in place and I’m hopeful mine is. I feel differently, more determined and next week will tell.

Plan ahead and allow time in the day for exercise. I am guilty of jamming my away days so there is no time for movement.

Could that be intentional? Another habit to break.

Schedule a local class. Yoga/ Pilates/ Gym is pretty much on every street corner these days; there are no excuses.

Create a routine to be practised each morning, if venturing out into the unknown is too much – it is not like I cannot figure out a program of exercises to do on my own. How hard can that be? I will write one in my diary (yes, I have a non-electronic diary) before I leave. Do you do that?

Walk and walk some more. First thing and every morning a walk is an easy way to get the step count up, enjoy the destination and turn the heart volume up. Do not be deterred by rain; there is nothing a warm shower and a high voltage hair dryer cannot fix.

Repeat. If Day One is not as strong as it should have been, there is always tomorrow. One day’s grace is all though.

Pack the gear. This is my worst excuse of all; leave the kit at home.

Help! Am I the only one who fails with this? xv

The Art of Movement: Who Said Looking The Part Doesn’t Help

must have in my suitcase:  1 x jacket goes over everything and travels everywhere   2 x leggings  2 x tank tops   1 x sweatshirt 

camo field jacket  ||  the upside matte leggings  ||  the upside performance leggings  ||  the upside leopard sweatshirt  ||  tank top  ||  grey tank

images, fabio bartelt, james macari

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Lifestyle , Shopping Stories