I am inspired every day by love, by friendship, by beauty… by the small and the big things.
I am inspired by my children… their creativity, their lust for life and their desire to forge their way in this increasingly complex world.
I am inspired by my husband who is forever understanding and encouraging… and who knows a thing or two about life and how to live it.
I am inspired by my friends… their achievements, their kindness and generosity of spirit… and I am inspired by France.
Thinking about inspiration had me going around and around in circles.
I can see I seek out inspiration constantly and I realised, very quickly, that my, ‘inspiration’ originates from the same place… my love of France.
Falling in love with France has changed me… it’s the point where the before and after meet.
France colours my thoughts and drives my actions. Perhaps it is the falling in love that is the inspiration, but I can see that in whatever I do… there is that link back to France. If I am thinking about fashion… I am usually focusing on a French designer… If I am looking for beauty I am inevitably drawn to a French interior… or a French landscape… When it comes to food… my palette thinks in a French way and when we are having our chats about stylish women, I am always inspired by the Parisians.
When I am at home in Provence my mind is full of ideas… inspirations… just looking out the window can ignite a million sparks.
My head is full of what I want to do and what I could do… ideas for French Essence and personal projects… a never ending stream of creativity, only limited by the hours in a lifetime.
This must surely be the definition of ‘inspiration’, for to be inspired there must be energy, creativity, passion and a feeling of self fulfilment… there must also be a channel for inspiration, a way to express this passion.
Inspiration is infectious and motivating… and that is the reward, being ‘inspired’ enables others to inspire… to share.
Inspiration is as necessary as the air we breath… without inspiration life would be dull and unfocussed. Where you find inspiration is unimportant… for some, like me, it is in their surroundings… for others it could be in numbers, it may be a joy of cooking… or it could be the love for adventure.
To be inspired is what counts… to open the eyes and explore our interests… to understand the moments that ‘ring the bells’… that give a lift in spirits or awaken those broad smiles.
I am so grateful for France for she truly has, ‘inspired’ me… in more ways than I can ever count. My life has evolved dramatically both in a physical sense and an emotional one… A short drive down a plane tree drive altered everything… I was inspired, so inspired … to change my world, to change our lives… and from that point on.. everything has been different.
France, in all her perfection and imperfection, has crept into my subconscious and whether I am there or not, she continues to be my inspiration… xv
images by carla coulson