Home… right before the rain… no filter… no tricks… nature’s photoshop.
There is a mistiness hanging over our farm in Provence this morning. The light is perfect in one of the million different ways it can be here.
I have been absent too long from this beautiful place… and returning to the abundance of spring is truly a gift.
The wisteria is the opening act of our show right now but soon it will be competing with the iris and the lilac…
The almond, apple and pear blossoms have had their gig, although the cherry trees are still performing an encore.
Top billing must go to the rose… she stands impatiently in the wings, waiting to make a dramatic entrance before the lavender upstages her fragrance.
The garden is theatrical… perhaps she is a musical… an opera… even a silent movie…. sometimes a drama.
The players become better, more experienced… stronger and more potent. Age improves them and their show never gets weary.
All I know is that our garden is blessed with performers who enchant, amuse… relax and re-focus the audience… xv
in the mood, shop the essentials and start thinking spring