V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Sep 11, 2021

As Soft As Roses

As Soft As Roses on vickiarcher.com

I do love a rose.

Or two or two thousand.

Any colour and all their fragrances can transport me far and wide; to say roses are a mood enhancer is an understatement.

Garden roses are my particular passion – the old-style velvety petals in shades to dream of and perfumes to knock your socks off – and I can never get enough of them.

The English country garden is one of their favourite playgrounds and as I picked and played about with floral arrangements last weekend, I was inspired to click down a rabbit hole of “rose”. My thoughts turned to rose and what an inspiration it can be for our wardrobe and beauty choices.

Shades of rose work through all the seasons – whether a summer tee or a cosy cashmere. A rose fragrance spritzed all over or a dash of rose gold to accessorize can transform our essentials.


Do you wear rose pieces with black? I adore that combination and whether it’s sweats and cashmere or a silk shirt and a pair of tailored pants – it’s a win-win. The same can be said for charcoal grey or all the tones of cream and caramel. Not to mention denim.

And not that these “Christinas” have much to do with “rose” other than they would look fabulous with everything – these boots have grabbed my attention. I like them in natural skin but they are also good in the more conservative options. These boots were made for walking – and the rest.

If nothing else a little rose addition to the beauty routine?  xv

**Thinking of us all and how we and the world changed twenty years ago. No words will ever say what is in our hearts.**

As Soft As Roses

walk don’t run

pink adobe  ||  christina ||  ice-pink  ||  beauty pie infusion  ||  pink chintz

The full, As Soft As Roses EDIT, HERE

this feature contains affiliate links

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Fashion , Shopping Stories