I didn’t intend to write today… but I feel inspired to ask you a few questions…
You know that I am packing up a flat in London and moving… I should be sorting out the cupboards… deciding what stays in London and what goes to France… Yes… I should be… and I am… sort of…
I keep stopping and starting because I can’t decide what to keep and what to throw… It begs the question… How did I end up with so much stuff?
Stuff is the right word here because I am not talking priceless antiques… I mean the flotsam and jetsam of everyday life… I seem to have kept every magazine, every brochure… every play ticket.. restaurant card.. old tee shirt, worn out gym shoes and miss matched china that I have ever had in my possession…
Actually it isn’t just me… it’s the husband and the children too…
I thought we weren’t hoarders… I have had a rude shock… we are the very definition of hoarders… and what is really ridiculous is that I am struggling to part with it… Although I must say I am far more prolific at the throwout than the others…
Sharon made a very good observation on my last post… if you don’t use it don’t store it… it either stays or it goes… This is wisdom… but can I abide by it?
I want to I really, really do.. but there is a little part of me that says, ‘box it up.. label it, France… and send it down to the shed’… I do realise that all I will be doing is stalling a decision… it is clear that if I don’t know now… I won’t know in a few weeks… But… What it does mean is that I can leave it in the shed for as long as I like and pretend it isn’t there… at least until Gérard, the farm manager, needs the space for equipment…
For someone who thought they were Miss Streamlined… For a women who knows what she wants and keeps only that… I am letting the side down…
Tell me… am I alone in not letting go?… Has the ruthless ever deserted you? Can you toss away with gay abandon? I am excited for a new London project… I am ready… more renovation, a new look… all of that… but yet…
Let’s chat… xv
Maybe I need to buy myself some very smart storage boxes… At least my leftovers would look fabulous…