V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
May 20, 2020

Silver Linings: Movement Is Mine

Silver Linings: There are Many on vickiarcher.com

The big ones are easy to note.

What about the smaller, life-changing silver linings to come from this global pandemic and subsequent lockdown?

As we all begin to venture out in jumps and starts, depending on where we live, I am reflecting on the ways I can guarantee a silver lining from this momentous and monstrous virus.

We have discussed the big feelings and acknowledged we won’t take as much for granted or depend on our old “norm” and I am determined to keep this front of mind and work on them every day. That’s why I wrote this, as a reminder and a lifetime prompt.

My silver linings have come in comfortable and nurturing ways.

I am cooking, reading and listening to podcasts on a very regular basis. I’m even attempting to sew something for my grandbaby’s first birthday. That is less successful and I admire anyone with a neat stitch and the patience to produce them. I will keep trying.

Most of all, exercise has crept up on me in a very surprising way.

I’m into it and I think it will be my very own game-changing silver lining. The yoga I had going on but I didn’t do much else – now I’m walking like a trailblazer every day and doing an online stretch/strength class each morning. I have my son to thank for that – he introduced me to yoga and despite my feeble performance, he encouraged me and little by little I see progress.

He has been offering classes each day for his clients and anyone else who wants to join as a way to keep everyone fit and healthy until his movement studios open up. I didn’t mean to get into these classes but somehow it’s infectious, not too difficult and the resulting flexibility and energy bonus has me going back each morning. If you want to join me (it’s on zoom for now) you can see all the details @califlowldn. I try and do the small exercises he posts each day on his Instagram feed – I am less prodigious at that – but I figure my silver lining is pretty major so no need to go overboard. It’s changed the way I feel about strength and stretch to a whole new level and I believe it’s something we should all make a priority. Thinking about us is where we women sometimes fail; no longer, silver linings to the rescue.

What’s your greatest silver lining? xv



Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Lifestyle , Shopping Stories