Who wants the perfect flat stomach?
The answer is easy. Me
Lily says by making a few simple tweaks to our life style, we can be sure to beat the bloat and shed fat from around the middle.
Ok, she has my attention; I am listening.
7 Ways To The Perfect Flat Stomach
Eat ancient grains
Many find their stomachs balloon after eating a bowl of pasta or bread. By switching to gluten free grains you can still enjoy your favourite sandwich, but without the bloat.
Try buckwheat, amaranth, millet, quinoa, brown rice, wild rice or gluten free oats. These all come in bread, pasta, flour and noodle form.
Get your daily dose of yoghurt
Tame stomach bloating by having a daily dose of yoghurt rich in good bacteria.
Unsweetened natural yoghurt with live cultures are the best.
Chew, chew, chew
It may sound simple, but so many of us don’t chew our food properly. Bacteria then feeds off large food particles causing gas and bloating.
Try chewing each mouthful 15 times.
Make a fruity appetiser
Pineapple and papaya contain digestive enzymes called bromelain and papain. These help pre-digest our food, which minimises fermentation and bloating within the gut.
Try pineapple, payaya and rocket as an appetiser with a lemon and olive oil dressing.
Drink peppermint tea
Peppermint is a great digestive aid and is notoriously known for alleviating bloating.
Pick fresh mint from the garden for your daily cup of tea.
The stress hormone cortisol is a primary driver for stomach fat.
To de-stress and relax, try yoga, a hot bath, massage, read a novel, listen to music or go for a walk.
Sleep your fat away
A lack of sleep can increase the stress hormone cortisol, signalling for fat to be stored around the middle.
Studies have also shown that we tend to eat 300-400 more calories the next day – which is often made up of of sugary ‘quick fixes’.
Who Wants The Perfect Flat Stomach, Lily Soutter
Lily Soutter is a Nutritionist & Nutritional Therapist
Learn more about Lily @ lilysoutternutrition.com
image bjork by jean paul goude, 2007