V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Mar 18, 2012

what’s on my french dressing table…

image – vicki archer

My dressing table is a little like my desk… the appearance changes with my mood and with my latest crushes. It’s not overly organised and it is crowded… but I like it like that. I know what is where and as I am usually in a hurry to get ready and get out the door, this ordered chaos works just fine…

The dressing table is not really a table but a French Provencal commode… The existing green paintwork was in excellent condition when I found it, a touch faded, so mostly anything looks pretty sitting on the top. In pride of place is a vintage hat stand, or hat ‘head size’ model to be exact and she is wearing a feather collar wrapped across her head with one of my mother’s diamonte brooches pinned at the top. I have a collection of leather, porcelain and glass boxes arranged on the top and these I can throw my trinkets in…  bracelets, brooches, necklaces… but most of the time I leave them laying out on the top…  Accessorising is so much easier if I can see what’s what… Besides, I don’t know about you, but I seem to get set in my ways and wear the same jewellery for months on end… and then, when the mood strikes, I swap it all up and move onto other pieces… Right now, I am crazy for bracelets… especially the ones that wrap around and around… Truthfully, I have always loved a good bangle…

I leave my perfumes, my current favourites, so that I can scent myself as I leave the bedroom… Spraying the mist ahead and walking through, the French way, makes the bedroom smell delicious… Our bedside tables are quite small so the dressing table has to accommodate my night time beauty basics…like body lotion, hand cream and my selection of eye masks… It might not be pretty, but wearing an eye shade has revolutionised my sleeping… and… I promise, I only put it on after lights out… My French girlfriend thinks it’s hysterically funny… translate that into French… and what she is really telling me is that it is highly unsexy to wear such a thing at night… A girl has to sleep though… a beauty regime demands that at the very least… Right? xv

What’s on my dressing table…
Jewellery Boxes that work… just like mine… herehere, here and here
I adore these initialed porcelains here and the love heart here
(I want to spell my name out with these… or even a cute phrase… imagine the possibilities…)
Bracelets on my wish list… here, here and here… (might have ordered one… couldn’t help myself…)

Kate Spade necklaces are my latest crush… here, here and here
(especially the ‘bon voyage‘)For me, these perfumes are irresistible… here and here
Eyeshades… my favourites and the best… here and here...
L’Occitane Hand and Diptyque Body… they really make a difference… here and here
and this scented candle… perfect for right now…


Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Beauty , Lifestyle