V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Jan 16, 2019

Words And Wishes For 2019

Words And Wishes 2019 on vickiarcher.com

Words and wishes are my way into this New Year.

Not resolutions.

Resolutions almost set me up for failure; if I find one “word” to symbolize my goals for the coming year, I am on the path to success. A resolution has little wiggle room and as individuals, we deserve a little leeway.

I propose we choose one word to steer us in the direction we wish to follow and as for the rest, we do the very best we can.

Our holiday in Venice was magical.

The lost suitcase with all my Christmas cheer arrived with hours to spare and more importantly, we were together. Venice is special any time, add in your very best team and it is a dream come true. Palazzo Papadopoli, Aman Venice spoilt us to beyond and back, so much so, it was difficult to leave at all. It is, without a doubt, one of my most favourite places to stay in the world. Luxury with a familial ambience is perfection.

The word for this year?

I have traversed many a word; there has been no, yes, courage, brave, moderation and commitment from memory.

How does it work?

I reflect on the year or years past and the qualities, habits or patterns I don’t wish to encourage. They are not necessarily game changers or life altering but for me, they matter. I want to focus on one emotion, a unique feeling or a single action; that’s enough. From a single-minded thought, much can happen.

This year my word is instinct.

I am going to trust my instinct and let it do its thing. That’s what instinct is, so why second-guess it?

Every time I fight it I end up in second place. Instinct is valuable and honed after many years. Mine has very rarely let me down so why not be more trusting? Instinct is closely connected with confidence; when I fail to trust myself it is only because self-confidence deserts me. Instinct, a natural reaction without belaboured thought or learning, is all ours. Good instinct is invaluable every day – emotionally, practically and financially. Emotional instinct requires the most practice, not as easy as practical instinct, but equally well deserving of attention.

I asked the gang in Venice what their word for the year ahead would be.

Doing – the 2018 word was reflection; a great partnership.

Ownership – this might well be a contender for 2020. Another word to shake the self-confidence up.

Organisation – the well-organised life, in the broad sense, changes far more than our tidiness.

Intuition – is it the partner to instinct?

Inquisitive – A brilliant way to focus on an open mind and hopefully an open heart. Curiosity is not about crossing boundaries you shouldn’t, but about being receptive.

These words are queued in my list of alternatives. What is your word for the wish list this year?

The Dream Destination

Aman Venice

Calle Tiepolo Baiamonte

1364, Palazzo Papadopoli

30125 Sestiere San Polo, Venezia VE, Italy

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Lifestyle