What are the top 5 foods for healthy, glowing skin?
This was my question to Lily when we met up and started chatting earlier this week.
I asked her for a simple list to follow, suggestions of what to eat and drink to say goodbye to winter skin and get us on the right track for a healthy, glowing spring and summer. I like to be reminded; somehow bad habits sneak up over the winter and I am more inclined to pay attention if the advice is easy to follow.
It’s all about looking good and feeling better. Don’t you think? xv
The Top 5 Foods For Skin Glow
- 1. Quit Unnecessary Sugar
Removing sugar from the diet will have the biggest impact on your skin.
Sugar damages the collagen and elastin proteins within the skin, which leads to wrinkles and sagging.
- Sugar contributes to hormonal imbalances, which can lead to spotty and greasy skin.
- It can play a role in inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
It’s the hidden sugars in our food we need to watch out for – check the sugar content in sauces, bread, cereals, soups, yoghurts, dressings and most ‘low fat’ foods.
- 2. Eat Oily Fish, Avocado, Nuts & Seeds
These foods contain healthy fats, which make the skin plump and supple.
- They have great hormone balancing effects, which can help prevent spots.
- The omega 3 fats within these foods are potent anti-inflammatories, which can reduce symptoms of eczema and psoriasis.
- 3. Take Ginger to make your skin glow
Ginger is a vasodilator, which stimulates circulation resulting in the delivery of more nutrients to the skin to make it glow.
- Infuse fresh ginger root and lemon in hot water to make a warming tea
- Add fresh or ground ginger to cooking – stir-fry’s, curries and soups are best
- Add ginger root when juicing or try pure juiced ginger shots
4. Stay hydrated
For supple, soft glowing skin drink 2-3 litres of water a day.
- Infuse water with cucumber, lemon, mint, strawberries or blueberries overnight for refreshing flavoured water.
- Drink iced herbal tea by refrigerating a brew of your favourite flavoured tea.
- 5. Colour the rainbow to boost your intake of skin protecting antioxidants.
The more colourful vegetables on your plate the more skin protecting antioxidants you have. Antioxidants protect from cellular damage caused by free radical sources such as the sun, pollution, alcohol, fried, smoked and burnt food.
image anya lyagoshina by benjamin lennox
The Top 5 Foods for Skin Glow, Lily Soutter
Lily Soutter is a Nutritionist & Nutritional Therapist
learn more about lily @ lilysoutternutrition.com