V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Jun 25, 2016

Barbra Streisand: Another Beautiful Face

Barbara Streisand photographed by Cecil Beaton on vickiarcher.com


Barbara Streisand is another beautiful face.
I am a long time admirer of this fabulous looking woman. She is talented, super successful and I believe a woman who has aged incredibly well. Streisand has managed to retain her own signature style forever.

Ever since Funny Girl, Hello Dolly and What’s Up Doc not to mention The Way We Were (that must be the all time best chick flick ever) I have watched her movies. I realise it is her singing voice, her enormous talent with the vocals where Barbra Streisand’s fame lies, but I enjoy her movies. Two of my favourites, the less well known Prince of Tides and The Mirror Has Two Faces are worth a watch if you have not already seen them.

I am not sure where my mind made the connection between Barbra Streisand and what I want to write about today, but it did. Probably because she does not appear to have my problem and apart from that, I have always loved this Cecil Beaton photograph of her.

I have noticed a lot of puffiness underneath my eyes lately; it could be age, it could be travel or lack of sleep. Despite the reasons, the permanent look of tiredness becomes a bit dull. On my recent travels to Australia and Asia I started experimenting with under eye patches to relieve swelling, decease lines and liven up the eyes.

They work.

Ok, not the lines; I am too old to buy the line of miracles and magic.

The eye patches do make my eyes feel less tired and they certainly reduce the puffiness. I put them on an hour or so before heading out, leave them on and go about my business. I leave the patches on for as long as I can and once removed, I apply my make up as normal. I use them night and morning, depending on my schedule.

I have tried three different types now, Shiseido, SKII and Klorane.

I like the Shiseido over the SK-II by a sliver, but truthfully both felt wonderful. The Klorane patches are a definite; they are excellent for soothing, very refreshing and a must for travelling.

I had to graduate to the big league; the cucumber slices weren’t working ;) xv

[thefeedproducts style=’two’]

The Eyes Have it

shiseido retinol soothing eye mask x 12  //  SK-II  signs eye mask x 14   //  klorane soothing and relaxing eye patches x 7

image barbra streisand by cecil beaton from the james spada book

Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Beauty