V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

V A is a long standing and recognised digital creative; her voice resonates with many. In the last ten years, the site has developed into an online destination for fashion, beauty and lifestyle advice. Her sense of style, editorial flair and practical counsel offers an inspired and graceful approach to living.

Edit by: Vicki
Oct 22, 2019

Best-Kept Beauty Secrets Q & A #2

Best-Kept Beauty Secrets Q & A #2 on vickiarcher.com

Let’s talk beauty.

Women enjoy sharing their beauty secrets (most of the time) and it is a conversation I particularly enjoy. Do we tell, “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” maybe not 100% of the time but I believe we are generous with our information and learn from each other? The older I am the more I rely on my girlfriends for information and the more I enjoy the exchange.

I love to know the beauty routines of other women and why they practice what they do. Why is it that certain treatments make all the difference for them? I have been trying the product suggestions from Q & A #1 and so far so good.

Michelle Faison is gorgeous, with a fabulous sense of style and as a long-time reader I wanted to get to know her better; she has my idea of a dream job. During my university days, my part-time position was creating wedding flowers, bouquets and posies for all occasions; my love affair with all things floral has never waned. Michelle is a celebrated floral designer in Detroit and has an eye for colour and form. Her floral design business, The Bloomsmith, is her creative outlet.

Over to Michelle,

Define your interpretation of beauty?

I believe that beauty is ageless. I well know it’s correct to say that inner beauty is paramount, let’s face it: physical beauty is what gets noticed first.

Who are your role models/muses when it comes to living life with beauty?

I will always be a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn. She was physically and spiritually beautiful. Sade is another great beauty for me. Sade has managed to maintain a dignified private life while making some of the greatest pop music ever recorded. Both women have a distinctive, classic style that never bends to the whims of fashion.

 What is your “true” beauty routine?

Clarisonic Cleansing brush at night
Vitamin C serum daily
14% Glycolic Acid serum daily
Moisturizer only in winter
Daily Retin-A use at night for 30 years
Perfume. I don’t feel completely dressed without a spritz of fragrance.

What beauty step can you live without?

A warm shower and deep cleansing of my face before bed.

What never slips the mind?

I’ve been following the same beauty routine with the same products for so long, it’s automatic.

Only one beauty product allowed, what would it be?

Eyebrow pencil. It could also double as eyeliner, so I get two for one,

The one beauty treatment you can’t live without?

Retin-A, it is a miracle product.

Beauty and exercise go hand in hand – what is your easiest and most sustainable exercise regime?

Bicycling for cardio and lower body. Light hand weights for arms and upper body.

When and where do you feel the most “beautiful”?

I love Yves St Laurent’s thought that a woman is at her most beautiful, “dressed in a black pullover and black skirt, on the arm of the man she loves.” I’ve tried it with my husband and it’s true!

What influences and drives you to lead a more “beautiful” life.

As I’ve matured, I feel a driving need to simplify my life. The time for acquiring things is winding down.
I want less stuff! I am lucky to work in a field that allows me to create beautiful environments for others.
As a floral designer, I am surrounded by the beauty of nature.

The 3 most “beautiful” and meaningful words for you?

Service. A life including service to people in need is a beautiful life.
Serenity. I don’t always feel it, but I’ll never stop trying.
Health. So very precious. Often taken for granted until we lose it.

I have written my 20 Best-Kept Beauty Secrets – what is your 21st Best-Kept Beauty Secret?

Shoulders down and back, a straight back and neck held long at all times.

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Edit by: Vicki
In This Post: Beauty , Shopping Stories