I read this recently and thought it was brilliant.
I think it was Mr. Armani who so eloquently put it.
We get stuck on wanting to be noticed but actually being remembered is really what counts. Think about it, what we relegate to memory is not always the most spectacular or showy of experiences. The women we admire, respect and sometimes emulate may be so much more than simply noticeable.
I am one of those who notice pretty much everything but what is way more interesting is what I remember and what I draw upon for my own experience. Physical beauty I notice; an articulate, intelligent and engaging person is impactful. They make a difference in how we feel and in some case how we live our lives. There is nothing wrong with being noticed as long as we have the goods to back it up. How many times have you been disappointed with the real deal?
Objects are the same; there are those short-lived wonders and those that become meaningful. In the same way, wishing to be remembered rather than noticed, is how I view THE EMPORIUM. The objects I have hand-chosen this year are very firmly in my mind; it is not a question of out of sight, out of mind. My beautiful collections may be living all over our globe but I reminisce over them and appreciate so much of them. I can recall their colour – especially the fabulous Venetian Millefiori Collection – I can imagine the bracelets from The Heart of Gold Collection. Every engraving, enrichment and fastening is with me. The Keepsake Collection, winging its way to new homes, is one I will long cherish. To have had more to share would have been wonderful, but it wasn’t meant to be.
How do we make the transition between “noticed” and “remembered”? How do I select the pieces for my collections and have conviction we will find them memorable?
One word comes to mind. Substance.
Think meaningfulness, backbone, character and significance.
We must be women of substance, as my collections must have substance. As women, we will be far more than noticed if we are confident in us. Quick fixes, makeovers, and shortcuts don’t make us the women we want to be. We must be open, be willing to learn and to share with others from our bank of wisdom. We must be listeners and non-judgemental. These are qualities worthy of respect and influence. If we maintain a unique personal style and add these qualities into the mix, there is no way we won’t be remembered.
My collections feel the same to me.
Each piece has substance and is meaningful not only to me but also to others before me. I take pleasure in their beauty and the significance they played in past lives. Their uniqueness is what draws me in and helps define the selection process. I trust my gut instinct when I search them out and the remembered pieces make the collections, not simply the show-offs. This is nevermore apparent than in Collection 4, coming soon.
Make sure you are on the list for early browsing.
Let’s be noticed but let’s make sure we are remembered first. xv