Not really. Only in the movies.
I want to bring back “the easy” when it comes to movement. It doesn’t have to be difficult, demanding, complex, impossible or complicated. Movement has to be accessible, possible and easy. It has to be so available we can find no excuses to avoid it. “It’s too complicated” is the oldest refrain of all and one I can’t have stand in my way when it comes to exercise.
This is our age of movement and we need to keep moving any way we can. There are no rules, no one routine is better than the other; the art of movement is in the movement. Simply, we must move and our bodies will do the rest.
Don’t you feel things do get too complicated sometimes?
Especially when it comes to physical exercise. Instructions are thrown about liberally – if we don’t do this class and we don’t do that workout we won’t see results. The doing is what gives us the changes and if it’s complicated we won’t do it. I know I won’t.
I would love to tell you I am so disciplined nothing is too complex for me; well that is not true. If exercise is made simple, I go and I work through it to the best of my ability. Too many complexities and I never go back. This is why I am enjoying yoga. I find the practice of yoga more and more challenging every session; it requires dedication and yet it is at my own pace. It’s no more complicated than that.
Whatever discipline we chose to follow, if we make it easy for us then it will happen, we will be consistent and benefit from the results. It’s not about the sport we choose to play its more about playing regularly. I’ve lost count of the activities I’ve taken up, all for my greater good, only to let them fall by the wayside. Too demanding, too difficult or too complicated.
I want to move, move more and move often; this is the age to make it easy on us.
No excuses anymore. xv
Making It Look Easy: Top It Off With This
(a longer line topper style coat over the yoga gear is easy, looks easy and feels easy)
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image, david roemer