“Every day we wake up there is a chance to re-define and write our story. I never want to lose sight of that.”
Women’s Day is every day.
We so often focus on the beauty, the success and the glamour of women, on the all too obvious and yet those qualities while dream worthy and aspirational are not what I am talking about today. Women have incredible skills and capabilities that come from an intuitive place; they are inbuilt, resistant to just about everything and beyond any value one could attribute.
Women in most cases are protectors.
We protect our families and our friends with an unwritten guarantee to do all in our power to aid and assist them. Their problems are our concerns and their triumphs, our joy. In equal parts we worry and we celebrate. We search to find answers, we work on solutions and as much as humanly possible, we make it happen. We don’t shrug away, deem it all too hard or bury ourselves in knots of stress rendering us useless. We act.
Reaction and action is in our DNA. Most women don’t over analyse when it comes to crunch time; we simply get on with it. That is not the same as a two-hour, never-ending conversation about what to wear or whether, “he” likes me or not. I am talking the big moments here. We might over chew the small stuff but we really man up to the big stuff. Women are instinctive when it comes to solving a problem and moving forwards.
I am in awe of how many women take change and challenge in their stride. It is to be applauded. More than applauded; appreciated and respected. Facing unwelcome change and accepting un-sort after challenges are not the same as the change and challenge we seek for our personal development. Women take disappointment, stare it straight in the eye and knock it dead. This does not mean we don’t feel every soul-destroying particle. We do. Women for some astonishing reason, in the most part can accept, process and move on. Disappointment leaves scars, but does not define whom we are.
Many women are the masters of re-invention in an extraordinary way. They have chosen to walk another path, without ever giving up in order to re-define who they are and how they live their lives. Many must have been afraid, even despairing at times and yet they triumph, finding the strength to move forwards into a newly interpreted and alternate life.
Someone said to me yesterday, “Never look back”. Meaning to appreciate the past but to keep an eye firmly in the future and never be defined or limited by the sadness, mistakes and wrong turnings behind. Every day we wake up there is a chance to re-imagine and write our story. I never want to lose sight of that.
That is where I truly find women to be exceptional; they rise up time and time again to protect, to love and to cherish.
Every day is our day: I will not be forgetting. xv
one fascinating voice to listen to HERE